An Update From Dave on the War in Burma

Click the video above for an update from Dave Eubank.


As you know we are in the midst of an outreach campaign to get the word out about the film and, Lord willing, create new opportunities for the Holy Spirit to move in hearts as they view it. We just received a wonderful email and – since many of you have supported this campaign – we want to share the email with you:

“Dear Deidox, 

I’m a businessman, my wife, who originated from just across the border in Romania, a languages teacher, and so neither of us are traditional missionaries. No wonder a friend of mine sent me your link, recommending we watch Free Burma Rangers. We just finished the movie and honestly… I simply have no words, both my wife and I are in tears.

We fight poverty and human trafficking, and since the war in Ukraine, we now support tens of thousands of refugees currently residing across the border from Ukraine, in Moldova. Moldova is Europe’s poorest country and suffers 80% poverty, with a particular issue with orphans and human trafficking. I’ve gotten tired and overwhelmed and I believe the Father orchestrated our viewing the movie. The Free Burma Rangers movie inspired me at a time when I was feeling tired, overwhelmed and exhausted by the sheer weight of things here.

And so, this morning I was back on my face, seeking Him and repenting of trying to do everything myself. Thank you, thank you, to you, your team and your supporters – the ripple goes much farther than you can imagine.”

Praise God! We hope reading the letter above encourages you like it encourages us. The film outreach is causing “ripples” around the world. Together, can we make waves? We pray so! We’re grateful to be able to partner with you in this ministry.

Your donations are truly impacting lives.

Follow this link to donate and support so others can be impacted by the film.

“This raw and inspiring movie truly illustrates Christianity in action.”
- The Christian Post -