Project Goal: Be a part of the first 100 monthly donors to form a foundation for consistent ministry.
Currently we have 48 monthly donors. We need 100 to build a strong foundation for this ministry as it moves forward. Would you be one of the remaining 52 needed?
Deidox is taking steps to build a new type of missions organization (filled with media missionaries) to help the Church find and share God’s stories in every corner of the globe. We are in need of 100 monthly partners to be a foundation that allows us to take faithful and consistent steps forward in this new mission.
Pray about it, and if you get a “green light” to join us in this mission then sign up below!
How much?
We would you to consider a monthly donation of $95 each month. If you can give more, great. If you can give less, that’s great too! Our monthly support currently averages out to around $112 each donor because of a few who are able to give more. Every monthly donation is significant to the ministry, whatever the size, because it helps us plan ahead with consistency and purpose. It’s a big deal!
To help people know God and make God known.