Mid-Month Motivation

Hey Fam,

Hope everyones August has been going great. We are almost to September and thought that we would send y’all some motivation to finish the month strong!

These mid-month emails include links and creative content that caused us to think, ponder, wonder and brought some fresh wind into our sails.

We pray it does the same for you!


This is a creative post from Upperroom, a Church in Dallas that has a prayer room, where in one of their gatherings a worship leader spontaneously sang this song and the audio was recorded. An artist in their community then made a video to creatively share the recorded worship moment. We love seeing people trying something different!


An excerpt from Makoto Fujimura’s book: Art and Faith: A Theology of Making

“In my experience, when we surrender all to the greatest Artist, that Artist fills us with the Spirit and makes us even more creative and aware of the greater reality all about us. By “giving up” our “art,” we are, paradoxically, made into true artists of the Kingdom. This is the paradox Blake was addressing. Unless we become makers in the image of the Maker, we labor in vain. Whether we are plumbers, garbage collectors, taxi drivers, or CEOs, we are called by the Great Artist to co-create. The Artist calls us little-‘a’ artists to co-create, to share in the “heavenly breaking in” to the broken earth.”

Take a moment and look at the picture below: Fujimura titled it “Walking on Water”

Imagine yourself co-creating with God a unique ripple pattern as you take a step forward with the foot He has designed for you to have onto the water He has created. Can you see the pattern come to life as your foot lifts off the water and onto another step?

Now ask Him to show you the waters currently in life that God is asking you to take a step onto. What is the pattern, the effect, He is inviting you to co-create with Him as you embrace His leading?

Only you as a little artist in your sphere can cause heaven to break into this broken earth through releasing a unique aroma, flavor, color and walk with the Great Artist each day!


Here is an encouraging story we have heard about things happening in Ukraine!

“Ukraine has been significant. We have distributed $3 million worth of medical equipment and $200,000 worth of medical aid to help over 1,700 people in Kyiv and the surrounding areas.

In addition, we have provided nourishment, hope, and Biblically-based curriculum to public schools, organized vacation Bible schools and sports camps in collaboration with the local government, and supported over 100 Ukrainian war effort volunteers.

One church we are partnered with has even seen incredible growth from 50 people to over 300 people in the past year!

Throughout the year our humanitarian aid teams have made meaningful connections, gained the trust of national partners, and have seen real change in Eastern Ukraine and Kyiv. This has all been possible because of our hardworking local partners.”

Praise God!


Do you know what a benediction is? It is like a combination prayer request for God to
bless His people and declaration that He delights to do so. It is like a really tasty dessert that comes at the end of a delicious meal.

So in closing – 

Benediction based on Philippians 4

Do what you have learned and received 
and seen and heard in Christ,
and the peace of God will be with you.
And may that peace, 
which passes all understanding,
guard our hearts and our minds 
in Christ Jesus. Amen.
