The war in Burma is the worst it has ever been.
Join with us to bring light to the war, share our faith, and inspire new support for FBR.
A campaign to get the Free Burma Rangers movie and its message in front of as many people as possible in this time of need.
Support the Campaign

During this 60-day campaign (Aug 30-Oct 29), if an audience member gives an email address they will be able to watch the FBR film for free. To do this, we need support for the campaign. Our conservative goal is for 250,000+ impressions and then 100,000+ new viewers of the film. We believe it can accomplish several exciting things:
(1) Awareness – Increased attention on the war in Burma. Fresh momentum for change.
(2) Outreach – Thousands of people taking steps towards God as a result of the story and faith. It is a powerful spiritual film and message.
(3) Support FBR – Over the end credits the director will do an “ask” for viewers to support the efforts. We believe many viewers will want to donate to FBR after watching the film. Can you imagine if the Free Burma Rangers got 10,000 new donors from this campaign? Let’s do it!
Click here for further details on the campaign. Lord willing the campaign will launch on August 30, but we need support to get there. If you’re interested in partnering you can do so here. Deidox is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry and your donation is tax deductible. God bless you!
Donations by check can be made out to Deidox Films and mailed to:
Deidox Films
C/O Church of Hope
500 Buena Vista Dr.
Merced, CA 95348
Please feel free to send questions to

Viewer Experience
Give Email, Watch Film for Free
To view the film an audience member can watch the film for free if they give an email address. This will create an opportunity for communication with viewers after the film - Connecting them with opportunities for discipleship, support, and further awareness.
Call-to-Action: Donate to FBR
Over the end credits of the film we will put a new interview with director/producer, Brent Gudgel, asking audiences to consider supporting FBR ministry in this time of need by clicking a link to donate. Would you have donated after watching the film for the first time? We would have!
Help Others See Film
Finally, under the film and under the "donate to FBR" link on the web page there will be an opportunity for viewers to help others see the film by sharing the campaign on social media or by "paying it forward" to fund further audience ads and screenings.
Evangelism Partner

During the campaign there will be a concurrent evangelism campaign run in Asia with Ekballo. We’re thrilled with the partnership potential and prayerful about the impact.
Campaign Budget Details
The campaign launch budget ($15,000) can be broken down in the following ways:

In order to show the film we need to build out the web page, platform, video tools, and follow-up emails. The key is to lay a foundation that allows for the film to be shown in multiple languages and regions, not only the USA. Global!
This includes creating and setting up social media campaigns, new marketing trailers, social stories & posts, in addition to campaign setup and management during the launch of the campaign.
Reaching out to past and new partners to make them aware of the campaign and ask them to post upon launch. Also this includes outreach to set up podcast interviews with the Eubank family to get the word out.

Deidox helps the Church + Christian artists work together
to know God and make God known.
Years of
What does "Deidox" mean?
"DEI" = God in latin
"DOX" = Our abbreviation for documentaries. Also, short for doxology which is an expression of praise to God.
Our History
Founded in 2007 out of a church in Pasadena, CA, Deidox has a long history of making documentary content for the Kingdom. It's founders, Brent Gudgel & Dave Mahanes, had traveled the world for several years working with large ministries and meeting people of great faith. But, they were getting hired to tell marketing stories with a goal of building ministries - it didn't allow them to truly tell the "God stories" they were discovering. Deidox was born so that there was a place to focus on telling stories of how God was at work, for His glory and the building His kingdom.
For most of it's history, Deidox filmmakers have been bi-vocational, meaning they make films at Deidox as much as they are able, but it was often in between other "tent making" projects. They had projects on Showtime, Hulu, and for the Olympics, among others.
Over time, Deidox assembled a network of dozens of collaborators and produced 55 short documentaries. These films were used by over 3,000 pastors, in addition to being released online and at film festivals. Next came a 30-minute documentary, The Ordinance, about an inspiring partnership between Baptists & Catholics, leading to the passing of payday lending laws across the country. Then, after years of focus on "faithful steps" as a ministry, Deidox was blessed to bring their unique approach to the big screen with the acclaimed theatrical documentary Free Burma Rangers.
Now, in 2023, Deidox is heading into a new chapter of ministry and vision. It is expanding, full time staff have come on, and - Lord willing - there are many stories of God's goodness to come.
Who We Are
We are a new type of missionary, using art and technology to minister to a truly global audience with media that shares stories of God’s goodness. All for God's glory.
The core leadership team is:
- Brent Gudgel - Executive Director
- Lucky Prosper - Miraculous Showrunner / Producer
- Jeremiah Jones - Producer & Artist Community
- Dave Diamont - Executive Producer
- Andrew Alkema - Miraculous Executive Producer
- Sheri Schaap - Miraculous Mix & Worship Producer
- Joshua Myers - Music Composer
- Joel Schaap - Marketing Partner
Upcoming Projects
- A feature length documentary with Francis Chan - We are 2 years into the process of making the film. It's exciting, and we're trusting the Lord for the final steps.
- "The Miraculous" - An audio documentary series about beautiful moments that are hard to explain apart from God.
- Artist Resources & Community - We are working on a few resources to bless and empower artists. More details to come as they solidify.
- Nonprofit Buildout - We are praying for the right people to come alongside us to to help the ministry grow into its next phase.
Watch Some of Our Past Films
Our ministry has produced a few dozen films over the years. A great place to start is on some of our original documentary short films. They give a great picture of the heart and style of our storytelling:
Selected scriptures on remembering the work of the Lord:
(Emphasis added)
"When Paul had greeted them, he began to explain in detail what God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry. When they heard this, they praised God."
(Acts 21:19-20)
"God, glorify Your name! Yes, Your name alone be glorified, not ours. For You are the one who loves us passionately, and You are faithful and true.
Why should the unbelievers mock us, saying, “Where is this God of yours?”
But we know our God rules from the heavens, and He takes delight in all that he does."
(Psalms 115:1-3)
"…there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel. And the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and served the Baals. And they abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt. They went after other gods…"
(Judges 2:10b-12)
“My message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of mankind, but on the power of God."
(1 Corinthians 2:1-5)
"Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; proclaim his deeds among the peoples. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell about all his wondrous works!
Boast in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wondrous works he has done…"
(Psalm 105, TPT)

Deidox Films
C/O Church of Hope
500 Buena Vista Dr
Merced CA 95348
Copyright 2023, Deidox. All rights reserved.