3 Praises & 1 Prayer (Deidox June 2024 Ministry Update)

Hey friends,

Brent here from Deidox. There’s a lot to be excited about on the media missions field. Here are three quick praises and a prayer request:

Watch the video above for the overview and highlights.
Then, read below for more details:

1. Praise God: New Docu-Series on the Free Burma Rangers

I am thrilled to announce that we are working on a docu-series about the Free Burma Rangers. It’s a spiritual sequel to the film, and although I can’t reveal too much yet, I can share that we have started the editing process. 

Thanks to an unexpected opportunity and burst of funding, we’ve been able to start pursuing this “spiritual sequel” as a major docu-series. It’s still early days – and there’s a lot that needs to happen before the series is complete, including securing a distributor – but the story that is unfolding in the edit room is incredibly powerful.

Currently there is a team in TX and a team in CA working on the project. We are excited to take faithful steps and see where this project can go!

2. Praise God: Deidox is expanding! Welcoming Our New CEO, Andrew Alkema

As we announced this week, Andrew Alkema has joined Deidox as our new CEO! This allows me (Brent) to focus on more vision and creative content by shifting into the role of Chief Creative Officer and Board Director. So, while I am now able to focus creative initiatives, Andrew will build out the organizational foundation of our ministry. His leadership will help us improve our processes and grow in new directions. Make sure to click through to Andrew’s letter we released this week if you want to hear more from him.

This transition marks an exciting new chapter for Deidox, and we are grateful for the opportunities it brings! (Read Andrew’s announcement letter here.)

3. Praise God: More “Miraculous”, and an expanding miraculous team

We are moving forward with new “Miraculous” episodes and along the way the team is expanding. I’m delighted to share that Danielle Gudgel, my wife, is going to come on as a producer to help miraculous grow into its next phase! Danielle has a background in international missions and also in education. Over the next few months I’m thrilled that you’ll get a chance to both hear more from her and hear the fruit of the team’s labor on “miraculous.”

When will next miraculous episodes launch? We’re currently building a collection of these stories and hope to launch several back-to-back in the coming months. Danielle is currently leading our first miraculous cohort. This group will learn to tell “stories of divine intervention” that can be released in the series.

In addition to creating content, we’re also developing a program to serve other ministries with both story training and in telling their stories as a part of the miraculous series. If your ministry has stories of God’s work that you need help telling, we’d love to connect. Contact us to set up a meeting and let’s discuss how we can collaborate to make God’s works known worldwide.

Send an email Danielle directly at danielle@deidox.org to discuss ministry partnerships, hear about current support needs, or set up a meeting to pray together! She’s awesome, as you’ll soon discover.

Prayer Request – “How to win the story war

Lastly, I have a prayer request. I am working on a mid-length documentary about the power of narratives, and how evil uses stories to distort our perception of the world. I believe the Church has been blind to much of this. But, I also know that God’s stories should be greater and…. well, there’s much more to say about this…

The documentary is tentatively being called “How to Win the Story War.”

Please pray for wisdom and guidance as we work on this project, and that we can effectively communicate truths God wants communicated, and not get caught into communicating things we shouldn’t talk about!

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. We’re excited for what the future holds and look forward to sharing more updates soon.

God’s stories, for God’s glory,
Brent Gudgel
Chief Creative Officer, Deidox

P.S. Do you believe media is a new missions field? If so, you can make a gift today to support media missionaries through to our donor menu, here.
