I want to hear 3 miraculous stories of how God is at work.

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Media Missionaries


Our ministry name is a combination of a few words in latin:

Dei = God
Dox(a) = glory

Dox is also short for Documentaries.

God’s glory, God’s stories.


We believe there’s a higher value in creating work that glorifies God.

  • WE HOLD TO an open-handed approach. We see God as the only source of our talent and every opportunity to use it. This means we choose to repent of and resist our own ego or selfish ambition in order to be used by God however He wants.

  • WE CREATE in the context of community, not industry. We believe God gives the gift of creativity to connect people to Himself and one another.

  • WE TRUST in God’s economy. We approach our work like missionaries have for centuries – God over money.


Verses on remembering the work of the Lord:

(Emphasis added)

I want to hear 3 miraculous stories of how God is at work.